Thursday 26 April 2012

Sting production

Week 7: in this week I have been polishing off the last scene as well as exporting animations so they can be used in After Effects. In the last scene I have changed the colour of helmet as well as added some shine to it. Moreover I have edited the logo at the end of the scene because it didn't match the original logo properly. I have also smoothed out the foot animation to make it more realistic looking, also in the 'sneaky step' animation I have added a rubbish pile since it was missing from the scene, I made sure that the rubbish pile was at the same level as in previous scene which was animated by Tabi also I had to slightly change the direction the eyes were going since they where meant to look at the golden helmet. Tabi drew the rubbish pile and mailed it to me, as well as colour reference for the helmet. Throughout this week I have also received feedback towards the animation I have been working on.
Here are the improved animations:

and here is the reference image as well as the rubbish pile used in the animation:

Sting production

Week 6: during this week I have taken the task of animating the last 3 seconds of the sting. in this scene the janitor has just fallen through the rubbish pile and is dizzy whilst from behind him, his mop starts to fall down on his head, which then hits him and after that the shiny helmet hits his head and then the janitor falls back revealing  the Lincoln university logo. I'm really happy with how this came out, although he may be different to the style that Tabi uses, mainly I made his head rather round than pointy. I have received constructed criticism from Tabi as well as help from Denise considering his wobbly near the end, I'm very grateful for that. I feel that this last scene has taken a lot of time to perfect considering that it only lasts few second, however I enjoyed animating this piece a lot.
and here is a nearly finished product:

Monday 23 April 2012

Sting production

Week 5: This week I have been assigned to animate a scene of a foot moving down on a ball, so then in the next scene the janitor will fall over. In this reading week I don't have Tabi to show my mistakes, however I have contacted her and got some information regarding the scene which helped me to finish it within this week.

and here's the finished piece: 

Sting production

Week 4: This week I have perfected the two previous animations, also I have started to work on another scene which is a 'sneaky step'. Within this week I have finished this animation. I have also received the colour scheme for the janitor and I was able to colour most of the animations that I have made. Again I had guidance from Tabi about the animations as well as some comments from Peter.
and here are the finished animations:

Here is the colour reference for the janitor:

Sting production

Week 3: At this point of the production we have agreed that we'll split the work load and animate every other scene, this meant that Tabi would animate the scene after the sweeping silhouette and I would take the next scene after her. This meant that I was going to do a close up of the janitor looking up then down then being shocked. I have received a lot of advices from Tabi for that scene, so then I was able to animate the next assigned scene, which was rubbing hands together. I had few problems with the volume of the moving arms but soon I have dealt with it.

Sting production

Week 2: I have restarted the broom scene and this time it has worked out, again I have received guidance from Tabi, like to make sure that the volumes were the same and how to work the flow of the broom. Later that week I have started to walk on walking silhouette of the janitor with a broom. This was a slow process which involved few mistakes but they were taken care of. Tabi wanted for the janitor to stop and sweep some dirt and then continue walking. Again throughout this animation process I have received guidance from Tabi.

and here are the finished animations:

Sting production

Week 1: On the first week of production Tabi taught me how to draw the main character, before I start animating since I need to get his proportions right. Then I have started to animate the first scene to the sting, which is a broom sweeping across the screen. This didn't go very well however I have received some advice from Tabi throughout the animation making but it still didn't seem to work.