Thursday 26 April 2012

Sting production

Week 7: in this week I have been polishing off the last scene as well as exporting animations so they can be used in After Effects. In the last scene I have changed the colour of helmet as well as added some shine to it. Moreover I have edited the logo at the end of the scene because it didn't match the original logo properly. I have also smoothed out the foot animation to make it more realistic looking, also in the 'sneaky step' animation I have added a rubbish pile since it was missing from the scene, I made sure that the rubbish pile was at the same level as in previous scene which was animated by Tabi also I had to slightly change the direction the eyes were going since they where meant to look at the golden helmet. Tabi drew the rubbish pile and mailed it to me, as well as colour reference for the helmet. Throughout this week I have also received feedback towards the animation I have been working on.
Here are the improved animations:

and here is the reference image as well as the rubbish pile used in the animation:

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